Vi KronobergsVävare

The profile challenge 2012

Some of our pages are translated to English: Anniversary exhibitions 2007:

Easter party in the chicken run

exhibition at Moheda library 20/3 - 2/4

Since the chicken idea came from Alfhild's fantastic damask chicken hanging, most pictures will show that hanging... but first a short look-around:

A couple of details before we go on to look at the chickens... an egg basket and a spring runner with both sallow "kittens" (a word not enough formal to be found in the dictionary...) and easter feathers, on a handwoven tablecloth (please, someone: is this M:s and O:s in English?):

and now: the chickens! - we have tried to count how many different chickens, hens and roosters there are on this damask hanging. We all agree that they are at least 21... and the weaver herself will not help.

To the right an overview, which doesn't show the whole hanging:

Below are a few details

Look at the cocky type in the middle column - "I own the whole world"!
Can there be a coupl of geese among the chickens? (Right column, upper picture)